Library choice board (gold feild blog post)

In library we are doing a Choice board and I chose the See,  Think and Wonder.




a man

a gun

a aborigine man

a kangaroo





I think the Aboriginal man is teaching the other man how to hunt gears and kangaroos so that he can find food to eat for himself and share with the aborigines.



I wonder why the aboriginal man is on the floor in that position and the other man is not in the same position

Here is the image I know was image 5 and this is it

Advertise and why are they important

Avatar the very important in real life because if you put your own face on the Internet in a couple days later your mum and dad come to you and say take it down and you can take it down but you don’t know if you got a screenshot of it and reposted it or could’ve sent it to people and then you could possibly get cyber bullied by random people online. Sometimes I even try to track down your location.

Avatars can be useful online because people don’t know who you are and where you live and they can keep you safe from getting into trouble. Your avatar may look like your face but it is really nothing like your face because an avatar is an animation and it will keep you safe.

Here is my avatar. it may not look like me because I put a few little changes to it for example, I have long hair and purple eyes but is not all about looking exactly the same because sometimes a little different it’s better than looking exactly the same as you look.

My First Month of Year 5!!!!


My first month in year 5 has bean so much fun.
I have bean doing some APS bike riding and swimming in bike riding our first lesson was going over some Wooden obstacle courses that were kind of hard. The second lesson we went on a bike ride around “Carey Sport complex ” in bulleen on the dirt tracks.. some of us fell of.


Yesterday I  contributed in the APS swimming caravel I did the the freestyle relay we came third over all.


I recently Tried out For training band and I put my name down for French horn and  trumpet.

What instrument would you put down..